Our online courses

Our free online courses are designed to help you take the first step to build healthy spiritual practices and multiply your impact. Each of these resources can be used individually
or in group settings.

Common Prayer

This compilation of six prayer practices is helpful in a variety of contexts.

If you would like to purchase a hard copy, click here.

First Steps Guide Book

This four-part workbook is designed to help you take your first steps towards healthy impact multiplication.

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Sermon on the Mount

This guide helps small groups engage in the Sermon on the Mount. This is a fourteen part workbook.

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Images of God prayer practices workbook cover image

Visio Divina Prayer

Visio Divina, or Sacred Seeing, is a Christian prayer practice where we allow our hearts and imaginations to reflect on an image in silent prayer, and see what God might want to say to us.

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If you would like to purchase a hard copy, click here.

10 days of listening to God cover image

10 Days of Listening

This ten day sample, taken from the full 40 day guide, is designed to lead you deeper into a life of listening.

If you would like to purchase the full 40 day guide, click here.

Grieving with God cover image

Grieving with God

A collection of five prayer practices to lead you deeper into solidarity with God - the same God who rose Lazarus from the dead, but only after first taking time to weep.

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If you would like to purchase a hard copy, click here.

Bulk Purchases

If you are interested in ordering five or more printed copies of an available prayer guide,
please contact becca.patton@exponentgroup.org to place a bulk order for a discounted price.

Get a custom plan for yourself, your group, or your organization.

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